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Ghost month -

Zhong Yuan Festival


edition / specimen

A fanzine specimen talks about the "Zhong Yuan Festival" (Ghost month) in Taiwan. During this month, popular superstition has it that the gates of hell are opened and the souls of the dead wander among the living. So we picked up 10 famous rules to keep our safety in this month from the ghost.

In the same time, the typo we used: Coline & Jaakko were designed by Émilie Rigaud from "A is for Apple" (type foundry). 


#1 Don't say the world ghost

#2 Do not call others name

#3 Don't pick up the red envelope on the ground

#4 Do not buy or look for a new house

#5 Do not touch people's shoulder

#6 Don't go close to the water

#7 Do not dry your clothes after washing

#8 Stay away from the walls

#9 Do not whistle or sing

#10 Don’t let the chopstick sticks straight